Transfers in Irkutsk & Lake Baikal |
Here you can order a train station / airport transfer and english-speaking driver services in Irkutsk city, Listvyanka and Olkhon
island. Please fill in the form below and we will contact you to confirm your request and price.
Welcome with any questions!
Different options are available for 1 to 40 persons. City transfers by car, jeeps and minibuses or tourist coach (up to 40 pax) |
Most of the prices below don't depend upon the duration of the transfer, on the time of the day you oder the car.
The prices also don't depend on the time the driver was waiting for you at the airport or the railway station. No fees and additional
charges. Compare ... you'll be convinced!
You should also know that all our prices are cheaper than any Irkutsk Taxi service offers. |
Any place in Irkutsk Airport
price: 700 Rubles total (3 persons max.) Night period 00:00 - 08:00 price 1000 rubles total
Irkutsk Airport any place in Irkutsk
price: 1500 Rubles total by car
Irkutsk Railway station any place in Irkutsk
to/from - price: 700 Rubles total (3 persons max.) Night period 00:00 - 08:00 price 1000 rubles total
Irkutsk City Listvyanka village 70km / one way
- price: 4000 Rubles total by car - up to 3 persons;
- price: 6750 Rubles by minibus up to 10 persons
Irkutsk City Sludyanka town 106km / one way
- price: 6050 Rubles total by car - up to 3 persons;
- price: 9900 Rubles by minibus up to 10 persons
Irkutsk City Baikalsk town 146km / one way
- price: 8000 Rubles total by car - up to 3 persons;
- price: 13000 Rubles by minibus up to 10 persons
Irkutsk City Arshan village (Tunka valley) 220km / one way
- price: 12500 Rubles total by car - up to 3 persons;
- price: 20000 Rubles by minibus up to 10 persons
Irkutsk City Maloe More (Small Sea) 250km / one way
- price: 17000 Rubles total by car - up to 3 persons;
- price: 28000 Rubles by minibus up to 10 persons
Irkutsk City Olkhon Island / Khuzir village 293km / one way
- price: 17000 Rubles total by car - up to 3 persons;
- price: 28000 Rubles by minibus up to 10 persons
Car rent service including english-speaking driver / any part of Irkutsk city
price: 1000 rubles per hour
Lake Baikal Area / Map: |
Irkutsk is not a big city. There is one railway station (where all the
trains going by Trans-Siberian railway make a stop) and one airport which is divided into
main building and international airport building. The distance is 100 metres.
The map shows the main destinations of lake Baikal region and the distance from Irkutsk city.

Expect to spend at least 10 minutes to get to/from the airport / railway station to/from the central part of Irkutsk.
You will require 1 hour to get to/from any place in Irkutsk to/from Listvyanka.
The distance between Irkutsk and Listvyanka is 70 km / 44 ml. |

Offroad lake Baikal & Olkhon Island trips:
by russian military jeeps UAZ & offroad vehicles